Truly Madly Deeply

Terkadang memaafkan orang lain lebih mudah dari memaafkan diri sendiri. Dan jujur terhadap orang lain lebih mudah dari jujur terhadap diri sendiri. Sekarang bagaimana cara untuk mempermudah hidup jika saat harusnya senang lo malah biasa saja. Disaat seharusnya biasa aja lo malah sedih. I call it self control anyway. But sometimes this self control is annoying.

Walking through an alley once in the afternoon, a pair of eyes were staring at me. I had no courage to stare back. I lost the courage actually. He who's standing there had no idea on how much I wished for him. He didn't know. He will not know.

But I knew. I know. I just can't tell myself. You know how difficult it is to tell you're self that you deserve honesty?

Mungkin ini satu quotes yang tepat untuk keadaan seperti ini, "Those who scare to fall are not deserve to love."

Orang yang takut terjatuh tidak pantas untuk merasakan cinta.


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